

Since 2010, reading about these so-called 'Ultra runners' participating in not just one marathon distance, but two with distances over 50 miles then reading Ultra Marathon Man Dean Karnazes inspiring story, I just knew that one day I would experience how it feels to run 100 miles. Well in just three days time I shall find out...

In its second year, Thames Path 100 organised by Centurion Running starts in Richmond and follows the trail pathway, until finally reaching The Queens College sports ground in Oxford. The course is 75% off road. This week we have been advised that the route will be very wet underfoot and flooded in parts, but hopefully not as much as last month's Thames Trot race.

Last year finishing in first place in 15:11 (first 100 miler) was Craig Holgate, a 2:30 marathoner followed by Robbie Britton at 16:02 in second. This year they both have commitments with Team GB so will not be running. With the ultra ladies, multiple world record holder, reigning champion, Mimi Anderson came in first at 18:50 finishing eighth overall. I am looking forward to seeing Mimi in action!

From May 2012 I have increased my mileage per week and ran a marathon every month, eventually training up to 35 miles over the South Downs in one go. This was ready for the Grim Reaper 40 in July 2012 where I finished in first place in 5:39.

More marathons followed and I continued training on a basis of three heavy weeks reaching 35 miles again with recovery runs the day after, followed by an easy week. In November I completed the Oxfordshire Ridgeway 53 miler in 9:38 with some navigational issues yet still coming in first.

In January 2013 I ran the Country to Capital 45 in 6:09 in 12th place and then in February the Thames Trot in 6:21 finishing in eighth place. This gave me a good taster of the Thames Path course but in reverse.

A week later I travelled to South Devon for the CTS 35 which was my toughest race yet (Still recovering from the Thames Trot Ultra). I finished in 6:23 in 11th place. With the Brighton Half and Steyning Stinger Marathon between the CTS 35 and Thames Trot. I have increased my training with easy tempo runs, intervals, mid-distance and finishing the end of the week with either a long run up to 30 miles, recovery run the next day, or back to back days.

Two weeks ago I reached 84 miles with three days of 20 mile runs during that week, juggling work, home life meant I had to split over three days instead of two. The Worthing 20 was my last fast race 10 days ago.

I feel that I am trained as well as I can be, tackling very cold conditions and snow for some of the winter has helped overall and I have stayed injury free since November, running every day since then.

My kit on race day will consist of: Injinji socks, SealSkinz socks, Skins compression tights, under layer, Helly Hansen Dubliner Jacket, Hilly beanie hat, gloves and an Inov-8 rain cap. I have a Ultraspire Surge hydration rucksack to carry fuel supplies and waterproofs.

As I have never covered more than 54 miles in one day, I will be carrying two headlights as part of the mandatory kit and change my shoes at the 51 mile aid station.

I have decided on wearing the most comfortable, lightest shoe to begin with; the New Balance MT00GR Trails then changing halfway into LA Sportiva X-Country, which have added tread and cushioning support, helping my tired and sore feet I hope!

With my fueling under control and comfortable kit, the only thing I need to think about is one foot in front of the other. My goal is simple; start slower than I have ever done, splitting into 4x 25 miles at approx 4-5 hours for each part.

Depending on weather conditions and strength I expect to finish in 20 hours or less at an estimate. I have 30 hours before the cut off so plenty of time.

Wish me luck! Race report to follow...




  1. Luke you are like a machine, I respect your commitment to running them long training runs aswell which would be a long run for me, one day I will do an ultra one day and would be greatfull for any advice from you.
    all the best for the big one luke!

  2. Hey Iceman Dan!
    Sure happy to help u. Thanks for your kind words. One step at a time, eventually it comes naturally and u will get there too sn enough!

  3. Hi Luke the Machine Ashton,

    I would like to say a massive well done buddy on an amazing run, time and of course position in the TP 100, I have since first meeting you followed your progress with keen interest, You are most definitely one of my biggest Inspirations due to your love, commitment and natural ability for running, I look forward to seeing you and I would say running with you but more realistically behind you in many events to come, I was telling a guy at work today you will be a legend mate in the Ultra world due to just coming onto the scene and doing so much in such a short time and going from strength to strength, keep up the hard work and I look forward to getting some useful tips off you in the very near future, your Bosh Buddy.

    Ian Shelley ;)

  4. Hey Ian,
    Thank you so much for your kind words and support as always. It is a fantastic feeling to inspire others. It is all I can do with my love of what I do at my best. The last year, support from all the Bosh run group, my running lifestyle and health choices has really changed my outlook on life. The world of Ultra running has enhanced it more so.

    Your passion and drive is such an inspiration to others too, the challenges you have ahead for great causes is an accomplishment. Stick to your goals and I look forward to seeing you grow with your dedication to help and encourage other runners.

    Will see you very soon and I am here if you need any advice Ian.

    UltraLuke (Bosher)


Please add your comments here. I would like to encourage discussion on running, training and nutrition. Luke